Historic Preservation


Preservation compares to a huge recycling bin. It is centered on repairing and stabilizing the property as it is (WBDG Historic Preservation Subcommittee). The buildings are essentially being reused and repurposed.  An example would be the transformation process from a well-oiled textile mill to a new revitalize loft apartment. Preservation has countless benefits that out-weight the negatives. In the Atlanta Business Chronicle, Derek Aynsley, executive director of the Atlanta Preservation Center, explains, “If you demolish a building, you have nothing," he said. "When you recycle a building, what results is one less field getting plowed under, fewer cars on choked freeways. Most important is that it revitalizes neighborhoods"(qtd. in Keenlyside). By recycling the buildings, the histories of them are reserved and can be appreciated by future generations to come. The Canton Mill Lofts and The Stacks are prime illustrations of preservation. To learn more about local preservation click here!

            Preservation increases community morale and the aurora of it blossoms into a new appreciation for the place many residents call home. If preservation was not possible, other generations could not appreciate what they have. By seeing what others before you have had, it gives you a glimpse into what life was like. The change over time can be seen in a town with some historic buildings. Most buildings do not serve the same purpose as they once did, but the infrastructure still exists.